Monday, January 27, 2014

HTC HD2 - HTC's Legend After 4 years

Today suddenly my eyes went to my first smartphone HTC HD2. Before i start my discussion let me tell you HTC HD2 was my first smartphone that i used. It was in the later part of the 2009, already HTC HD2 announced himself in the market. In that time 3.2 or 3.5 inch screen display was dominating the market. So HTC HD2 had homogenous 4.3 inch display.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

HTC One Max - The largest of HTC's flagship trio

The HTC One was one of the best smartphone for the HTC in the last year 2013. The HTC one has come with several color and new features to give you a bit of personalization for the smartphone. Then HTC also releases HTC One mini and HTC One Max. The HTC One Max is more like a phablet and offer all features that HTC One has provided. The HTC One Max has some new and additional features which can be great addition to the android smartphone market. But the real question is that can HTC One MAX continue the successor that HTC One and HTC Mini had for the HTC. Without further ado let’s see the some great features and design quality that have in the largest HTC's flagship mobile The HTC One Max

Friday, January 17, 2014

HTC One - Mobile Review

HTC is well known for their different kind of devices name like Hero, Desire, Incredible, Legend and Sensation. All this names carry the styles and passion of the latest HTC smartphone. The HTC One is another name of their smartphone which launched in the 2013. HTC One was one of the new beginning and dreams for the struggling giant.