Wednesday, January 15, 2014

3D Printed Food Is On the way to Enter your Kitchen

Modern technology has given us so many things that completely dominating our life. Today i am talking about 'the world’s first and only professionally certified kitchen ready 3D food printers'. Yes, it is true. ChefJet and ChefJet Pro- two 3D food printer machine was unveiled at CES 2014 by the South California Based 3D company.

It is specially designed to make candy and dessert. Unlike we saw some early 3D food printers; it works slightly on different way. It is not using pre-loaded tubes to squirt out the edible printing material; rather it uses granular materials binding techniques to create custom-designed candy and dessert.

How it works

Firstly, a roller spreads a thin, even layer of fine-grain sugar onto the printing substrate. In the next step, the printing head sprays a narrow stream of water on to the sugar in whatever pattern you programmed to Then when water mixes with the sugar, the sugar recrystallizes and bonds to neighboring grains. Thus lead to form a rigid shape when it dries. Then the process is repeated layer by layer until perfect shape is created. In this way this 3D printer will serve you 3D printed dessert, chocolate and candy.

It looks very easy and can relieve you from your duties. But in practical sense of view, it is not an idea for regular customer. They do not going to buy it at $5000 and $10000 respectively. The company also knows it that's why they are targeting towards professional bakers, confectioners and chocolatiers.

   This two 3D Machine will be available later part of this year.

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