Technology advancement has completely changed our life styles and way of living patterns. The huge technological development is making our life easier than earlier. New technological products meet our demand and give us full of entertainment. In the year of 2013, we saw lot of new products that dominated the world market. So we can expect same in the year of 2014. We can expect 2014 will see many fledgling technologies mature and growth. Let’s discuss about smart TV and smart watch that will dominate world market in the year of 2014.
1. Smart TV: Smart TV was one of the most talking products in the year 2012-2013. They targeted the year 2014 and Smart TV shipments expected to reach 123 million in 2014 which will be up from 84 million in 2012. That does will be great development for the Smart TV points of view. We will see major competition between the Samsung, Panasonic, and LG.
One of the new product will arrive in 2014 is the iTV. It will be Apple's another surprise. We can expect apple will release much anticipated iTV in the early summer of 2014. The device include iCloud sync, the ability to control your iPhone also has a ultra HD LCD panels. When it will come, definitely dominate the market of 2014.
2. Smart Watch: Smart watch was one of the greatest innovations in the recent years. And we are eagerly waiting for the new development of Google's smart watch in the year 2014. This year it will be integrated with Google Now, which expects to seamlessly provide relevant information when and where you want it. In the before you'd asked for it. Smart watch will be smarter in the year 2014. Smart watch will add more features and offer us something that our smartphone can't. So it will be interesting what Google add to their smart watch in the year 2014 to dominate the market.